My Collections

Wednesday, January 30, 2013

My new decor in my scraproom

I had seen these frames on Diana Fisher's blog, and I decided to make these for my own scrapbook room! I really liked how they turned out. All I had to buy was some frames from the thrift store. I got them for about $2 apiece. Pretty cheap decorations if you ask me!

All I did was spray paint the frames and then staple some string to the back of the frames. The two frames aren't exactly the same, but I think that's what adds the charm! :) The only thing I don't like is that they're not big enough for 12x12 layouts. Boo hoo. Oh we'll- they're perfect for cards! :)

Thanks for visiting, and thanks Diana for the inspiration!


  1. very cool Heather! i would like to do that too!

  2. Wow! Really love this idea. They look great.

  3. How cool!! I am so glad that I inspired you! They are so fun — you'll be glad you have a way to display some of your favorite pieces for awhile before they get tucked away. :)

  4. They turned out great Heather! And they are perfect for your cute cards!!

  5. How clever! They are perfect, and your cards are so cute! I love the vinyl words you added above the frames. They draw attention to your awesome work!

  6. Looooove these! And your blue typewriter ;)

    1. LOLthe adorable typewriter is from Diana's blog. I just posted that photo to show where I got the inspiration from. It is a really cute typewriter though! :)


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