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Friday, September 7, 2012

Foto Friday

I'm going to be starting a new feature on my blog- Foto Friday! I'll share a couple of pictures I have taken each Friday of the week. I hope to start some more fun stuff to liven up my blog a bit, so stay tuned! And of course, I'll be posting my usual challenges I participate in.

I borrowed a lens from the guy I bought my camera from. It's a Canon EF 50mm 1.8 II lens. Because the aperature is so low, it makes great "light bubbles" (what I call them). I will have to buy this lens SOON! I looooove it! It does fabulous photographing scrapbook projects as well. ;)

Disclaimer about this photo: This isn't our dog. It's our neighbor's. ;) 


  1. Fabulous photos! It is a great lens to have, I love mine.

  2. Those photos are BEAUTIFUL!!I'm so jealous of that lens. love the picture of your goat. :)

  3. Beautiful pics, Heather. I love the diffused light!! Great job :)


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