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Tuesday, June 4, 2013

It's a Beautiful Day

I have a layout to share with you that involves song lyrics!! There is a challenge over at Scrap Your Story to use song lyrics in your title, and I immediately thought of the song "It's a Beautiful Day" by Michael Buble. Michael Buble is another one of my favorite song artists, next to Josh Turner, that is. I have thought of a lot of titles that could come from song lyrics lately, but this just happens to be the one that made it onto the page. It was definitely a beautiful day on graduation and I was SO happy it was! This photo of us throwing our graduation caps is one of my favorites from the night. I actually threw mine too soon because I was so excited about it. (Oops!) 

I used the new "The Pier" line from Crate Paper for this page and some new Heidi Swapp transparent alpha letters for the title. I'm a little behind on the bandwagon for the letters, but I still love them. I originally glued them with some Scotch liquid glue, but you could see it though the letters, so I stapled them on with my Tiny Attacher and then kinda "peeled" the letters off the page so you couldn't see the glue. Do you have a good liquid glue? If so, please share! I can't seem to find one I like! 

That's it for today! Have a "beautiful day!" 


  1. such a great page! I love the pier and everything goes so well with your photo! I've used those HS letters twice and I have used my atg to attach them and you can't see the adhesive. My favorite liquid glue is Scotch Quick Dry. I love it! I know a lot of people like the Tombow Mono, but I hate that stuff. It is too sticky on everything BUT what you want it to be!

  2. I never use liquid glue because I don't like waiting for it to dry. ;)

    I love your page!! Those doily clouds are really really neat and I also like the white misting.

  3. That title work is beyond gorgeous! LOVE this :) :) THANKS FOR PLAYING ALONG WITH US AT SCRAP YOUR STORY :) :)


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