My Collections

Tuesday, April 22, 2014

Simple, But Effective

Vellum is so cool. I was browsing Pinterest for card ideas, and I came upon a card by Maggie Holmes where she had used a piece of vellum layered on top of a very busy pattern. I LOVED the way it toned down the pattern. So, I got out my Amy Tangerine "Plus One" mini pad (lots of very bold prints in there!) and chose this black and white chevron design. It's so bold. I love it, but I just wasn't sure about actually using it. But with vellum on top of it, it makes it easier to work with. 

I went simple on this card because, well, lately I have been really into simplicity. Use a few embellishments and throw in a technique like machine stitching, and you have one fabulous and easy card. :)

And since I was on the vellum kick, I used it as a background also, all on its own. Just think how sad and empty this card would look without it as a background layer?



  1. Extremely effective!! Love it...WTG!

  2. Great cards. I love the vellum look but I don't do it because I never remember to get some at the store.


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