My Collections

Thursday, March 19, 2015


I have my very first planner pages to share with you today! :D These went up on the me & my BIG ideas blog yesterday, so if you're interested, click HERE to visit the whole post there.

Sometimes the thought of planning out a week and making it look pretty is, not gonna lie, kind of stressful. It's like, "What do I put on there?!" But then I think of how I can include my activities at college and the (seemingly small) things I need to do each week. My absolutely favorite item in the Create 365™ The Happy Planner™ system is the skinny paper pads that you can tear off pages and put them in your weekly spread (the striped paper in this spread). They make me super happy. :D

Something I did to help me start making this spread "pretty" was use a color combination. I used teal, red, and yellow, along with basic kraft and b/w. This helped me a lot to just START SOMEWHERE because there are so many cute items you can add into your pages. Sometimes it's hard to choose what to use! This helps narrow it down. 

Adding little bits to remind me to be happy. :) And yes, that is gold foil)!

Here you can see that the list and foil quote pages are removable and you can view the whole week at once.

Sticky notes and stickers. The puffy ones are my fave (the !). 

So there you have it! That's what my week looks like at a glance! :) I'm looking forward to sharing more Create 365™ The Happy Planner™ pages soon! 

Oh, and learn more about the system by clicking HERE. In case you're interested. 


  1. I had quit decorating my place for a bit, but just started up again. I realive that this is the perfect 5 min crafting I need to get in each day. I love your decorating!

    1. Yes! Sunday night is my night to take, like, 30 minutes to plan out and decorate the coming week. It's perfect for a small crafting session. :)

  2. You have me wishing I had a need for a planner! haha.
    You planner is lovely!

    1. I can totally see you loving a planner. Like you've said before, blog posting would be really cool to use a planner for! :D

  3. I should decorate mine more. I am just using stamps and highlighters at the moment. I should get my hands on some of those stickers.

    1. Stamps are really fun to use in planners!! The stickers should be available at Michael's and Hobby Lobby this upcoming month!! :D I'm really excited to see these products in stores soon!

  4. I just picked mine up last night & can't wait to play with it this weekend! Great post - thx for sharing!


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