My Collections

Monday, May 18, 2015

Filling Up My Album...

My first 6x8 album that I'm using for Project Life this year is almost full! I have been debating on whether to switch sizes or not. I really like the 6x12 size that Kelly Purkey does, and sometimes I like the 9x12 too. I like smaller sizes though, so I'd probably go for the 6x12. 

When I bought this black 6x8 Studio Calico album, I bought two of them. I thought that that would do me for the whole year. Well, so far I have only January-April in this album and it's almost ticking full. I'm not particularly fond of the quality of the Studio Calico page protectors (some of them are so foggy!), and so that is one of the reasons I'm tempted to switch sizes. I mean, I can always use that extra 6x8 album for something, right?! I have lots of Becky Higgins 12x12 divided page protectors left over from PL 2013, so I could totally cut those down to 6x12 and they'd work perfectly. 

So, guess I'm just thinking aloud. But, what do you think? Should I go ahead and switch sizes? It really wouldn't bother me having two different sizes for my 2015 PL. I switched sizes in 2013 as well! I went from a 6x8 size to a 12x12 size (12x12 is just too big for me for PL!). I'd love to hear your thoughts! :)


  1. Switch. If you don't you won't really be happy with it. (good to see you at the wedding!)

  2. I'd been trying to do 12x12 project life, but I don't think it's the right size for me. So, once we get moved to wherever it is we are going, I will probably get a smaller album.


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