My Collections

Monday, October 26, 2015

Lots of Patterned Papers

So this past Friday, my very first nephew was born! I'm an auntie now!! We made a sure quick trip out to Oklahoma to visit baby Jordan, and it was so worth it. I mean, look at this gorgeous little face!!

I could flood you with lots of photos (I might do that later), but for now I'll just give you a tease and get back to scrappy stuff. ;) I love patterned paper. I love patterns in general. So when it comes to making projects, I go with the logic of the more patterns you can include, the better. That is definitely so with this card. Cue lots of patterns in 3… 2…1…

I have made a lot of thank you cards lately because my birthday was just a couple weeks ago and I had a lot of thank you notes to write for all the gifts I got from friends and family! :) So that's the first of several I will share soon. Until then, have a fab Monday! 

1 comment:

Thanks for your comments! I really enjoy reading each and every one of them!