My Collections

Wednesday, January 6, 2016

Currently: January

I mentioned posting an update on my life in the previous post, so here it is! 

I love this CURRENTLY page in my HAPPY PLANNER™ from me & my BIG ideas. Before each month begins, there's this page that you can fill out. I love all the little blocks and the cool little -ing things you can document each month. 

In addition to above CURRENTLY items on the above list, I am also leaving for CHA TOMORROW!! It is definitely a DREAM come true. My mom is taking the trip to Los Angeles with me, and we are going to have loads of fun. I get to actually meet all these people I only know online! Ha! :) Before going to the show Saturday and Sunday, we are going to spend a day at Disneyland (which I'm SUPER excited about). 

When I get back from this amazing trip, I will be heading back to college. I have already been back at work a little, but my full schedule will start back next week. Honestly for some reason I'm not looking forward to going back to school. I don't really know why. Usually I'm so excited to start a fresh semester. Maybe it's because it is the same ol' stuff. But then again, maybe I'm being pessimistic and maybe I will learn a lot of new and interesting stuff this last semester (yep-- I graduate in May!!).      

Crafting wise, I'm trying to finish out my Project Life 2015 album. For this year, I'm basically using the same format as I did last year. 6x12 size. I need to share some of my pages. I'm horrible at sharing what I make. I can't even count the number of projects I made this past year that I didn't photograph to share. I would say my crafting has evolved in the way that I now create for a specific need or purpose, and that usually isn't to finish a challenge and post it online. It annoys me when I don't have enough natural light to take good photos, and if that's the case, I don't even take them. 

Anyways. That's just some rambling. I'm going to try to post more this year. We shall see if that works. Let me know if you actually read my posts! LOL

1 comment:

  1. Hi Heather! Hope you had a great trip to California. How exciting to be going to both CHA and Disneyland. Both would be so much fun. I hope you have some pics to post soon.
    Good luck with your new semester and Congratulations on getting ready to graduate. A whole new world ahead!


Thanks for your comments! I really enjoy reading each and every one of them!