My Collections

Thursday, June 8, 2017

Books & Magazines -Traveler's Notebook Spread-

Here's another traveler's notebook spread I made on interNational Scrapbook Day! 

What's funny is that when I first made this page, I wasn't too crazy about it. But now that I look at it, it's kinda cute! haha. Guess it grows on you. :) 

I used basically the Oh My Heart collection by Paige Evans + Pink Paislee. I had to put one of those book embellishments on this page because otherwise they will never be used! I'm definitely not a reader (unless it comes to Instagram, Facebook, and blogs). I even had to include magazines with my book love list since I seriously don't read much! I'd just rather be scrapbooking than reading. ;) What about you? 

Have you tried the traveler's notebook size yet? 


  1. Cute page. I loved to read but stopped a few years ago due to vision. However, my vision is good now with the contacts but now I don't have the time.

  2. I love to read. Just got back from the library with a whole bunch of new books. I mostly read at night until I get sleepy. "And then if I wake during the night and cannot go back to sleep, I read then. Your layouts are always so cute.


Thanks for your comments! I really enjoy reading each and every one of them!