My Collections

Thursday, September 28, 2017

Life Update!

Wow, it's been a while. And life is now officially crazy. Haha.

What's happened to me, you might ask. Well, lots of things. Here's a short rundown of what's going on in the Doolittle house.

(our cute little "mint chocolate chip house" in town)

1. We moved and are about to move again. We now live in western Ohio. We moved here about two months ago. Kevin and I really wanted to get off of the road, and we felt like God wanted us to take it by faith. It's a little tricky finding a job when you're not home to look around/ interview (plus where we live in WV, jobs are scarce because of just the location), so we were elated when Kevin got an interview for a job near home. Everything was looking up, so we gave in our notice at his road job and headed for home. Well, we got home and didn't hear anything from the interview. :( It just so happened that Melvin (Kevin's brother who lives in Ohio) got Kevin an interview at the place he works, and long story short, Kevin ended up getting that job. So we packed up all of our belongings and took off to Ohio! And here we are! What's crazy is that the job back in WV ended up calling back like a MONTH after the interview to tell Kevin he had the job. Seriously?! It was just a little too late. I think overall the job Kevin has now is a better job though. And I feel like we are supposed to be here. I really love it here.

We still have a house in WV that we are trying to sell, and we are in a rent house for the moment (the cutest little rent house too, I might add!). But hopefully we are buying a house soon! We have a contract on a small house in the country that has 5 acres and hopefully we can close on it soon!

2. I have a full-time job now. I got a job about a month ago at the same place Kevin works. It's not the most fun job, but hey-- the paycheck comes in handy when you have two big house payments! :O At the moment, I work first shift and Kevin works second shift, so I have hardly seen him for the past month that I've been working. :( That's supposed to be changing next week, we we're excited!

(my newest class at Big Picture Classes- Floral Fantasy!)

3. I have a new card class up at Big Picture Classes! It's called Floral Fantasy, and it's allllllll about using floral elements in your card making! Check it out HERE. You can always start a free trial to try out the class!

4. More scrappy news- I'm guest designing for Studio Calico in October, so be sure to check back to see those projects! I'll either share all of the projects in one post or I will spread them all throughout the month. We'll see. I'm so excited though! The planner kit for October is AMAZING.

4. I just completed my SIXTH collection with Pretty Little Studio. Sometimes I step back and amazed I have this awesome opportunity of creating collections with PLS! I think this collection will release in December or January. It's a Valentine-themed collection and probably my favorite collection I've designed (actually my favorite would be either this one or the Beautiful Day collection we released this year... it's a hard choice).

(I LOVE DAHLIAS. Ok I'll stop yelling.)

5. I'm loving fresh flowers from our farmer's markets. I can't wait to grow my own flower garden one day, but until then, I'll enjoy the fruits of someone else's labors. ;)

(Us at MarLeah and Tyrel's wedding! We're coming up on being married a year soon! :) )

Ok so I think that's all of the basics! I would say I'll be back, but who knows. Seems like time off is now spent doing laundry and dishes. All the fun household things! It's life now. :) And it's ok!

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