My Collections

Tuesday, January 22, 2013


Guess what? I can tell you my GOOD NEWS!! Ready?.......


I am on the Pretty Little Studio Design Team! :) :) :)

When I opened my email and saw "Pretty Little Studio Design Team" in the subject line I just about died. Ok not really. But this is so exciting for me! This will be my first manufacturer design team and I am looking forward to designing with PLS's products! I love their stuff anyway, so this is a plus. I have applied to their design team a couple if times before and never got it, so I was shocked that they actually chose me! :O I cannot wait to get started! Be sure to check back and see my projects that I make with their products! They have a ca-ute new line called "Birthday Cake" that's coming out soon, so be on the lookout for it.

Also, I'm sharing some projects I have made with PLS's products.

Have a fabulous Wednesday!


  1. Congrats!! What exciting news!!

  2. Congratulations! That is great news. I am so happy for you!

  3. Congrats Heather! The first of many to come :)

    1. Congratulations Heather! I've always known you had the talent to go far. It won't be long before start designing for a lne, maybe your own! I still am your #1 fan, next to your Mom and family! I'm so excited for you!

  4. Congrats Heather! Terrific news!

  5. Yay! :)
    Looking forward to working with you!

  6. Congrats, Heather!! That is so so cool! I love being on design teams, what's better than working with awesome people and getting free stuff? ;)

  7. Heather, so thrilled for you. May this be the only the first of many more desires granted for you. Your work is so good; you are blessed with so much creativity.

  8. Awesome, Heather! That's fantastic news!

  9. Big Congrats. Heather. I love your work with their products.

  10. YAY! I knew that's what your announcement was, when you made your "mysterious" post the other day!! You always do great stuff with their products!! Congrats Heather!

  11. Congrats Heather! And what cute layouts and cards--you deserve to be picked!

  12. I just saw this!!! Congratulations Heather! Well deserved!


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