My Collections

Monday, August 12, 2013

Who I Am

I'm back with a new layout to share with you! And it's a layout about ME! I rarely do those, so sit back and enjoy this one. :)

I used the new Hello Again collection by Kaitlyn Sheaffer for Carta Bella. I don't think I have ever bought anything from Carta Bella before. But I LOVE this line! My mom looked at it and said, "The colors are so 'you!' " I love all the little icons in this line along with the beautiful watercolor look. I love watercoloring, but I hate that it wrinkles the paper so much. So when I find a piece of paper that looks watercolored, I get excited. I get the watercolor look without being annoyed at how wrinkled the paper is! 

So. About me. (This layout is for the Scrapbook Circle challenge to scrapbook about yourself, BTW.) I will tell you some things you might not know. 

I am very organized. 

I love sorting. 

I am really bad at giving directions. If you need to know how to get somewhere, do NOT ask me. I can't follow directions someone gives me, either. Just give me a TomTom and everything's good. :) 

I'm a very plain person when it comes to dressing. If you want a fashionista, my sister's the girl. It doesn't bother me to wear a jean skirt and a tank top every single day. Laura always tries to get me to buy new things, which I do every now and then, but I would much rather just be me. 

I love to shop. I love finding good deals. I don't really have favorite stores. My favorites are the ones with the good deals! 

I just got glasses. I have had contacts since I started driving (I can't read road signs without them!), and when we were ordering my contacts the other week, I asked Mom if I could get some glasses. Just for back-up. Now I just switch between glasses and contacts, depending on how I'm feeling each day. ;) Sometimes my contacts get scummy and annoying and it's nice to be able to switch to something else. 

I love to drive. Maybe just because I'm independent. I love being able to do whatever I want in my car. Think, "I want to go to the scrapbook store." And then go! I love it!

I dream of one day being on major scrapbook design teams. I have LOVED my time on the Pretty Little Studio design team, and I would love to do that kind of work for other companies. Maybe one day! :)

Ok so there's some totally RANDOM things about me that you may not have known! Just sayin', I don't really like writing about myself... :/

And just saying, I HATE it when my handwriting gets smaller and more squished in my journaling... :(


  1. This layout is beautiful! The colors are just so so pretty. ;)

    and I loved reading all your little "about mes" I'm uber-organized too. organizing makes me happy.

  2. Cute page. I just ordered that colletion. I can't wait to play with it. Your glasses look like mine.

  3. ...and you're awesome. <- You forgot to mention that, haha ;) Love ya!

  4. Love it. Look forward to your posts and keep checking and checking to see if you have a new one.

  5. love the lo and the glasses--so cute!

  6. This is be so pretty! Love all the layering :)


Thanks for your comments! I really enjoy reading each and every one of them!