My Collections

Wednesday, October 2, 2013


I made an 8.5 x 11 layout the other day! It has been such a long time since I have tried this size. I had been browsing Pinterest for some inspiration, and I found a cute layout that was 8.5 x 11. It had lots of layering and white space, and I liked the different "look" to it. This is not my usual layout design, but sometimes it's fun to just change it up a bit.

I used some October Afternoon "Sidewalks" and "Woodland Park" products for this page. I haven't used my OA stash in a while, so I had fun using up bits and pieces from each collection that I have had around for a while. I forgot how much I love October Afternoon! Did you hear that OA is being produced by Webster's Pages now? I love the quality of Webster's Pages, so I'm SUPER excited about this partnership! I can't wait to buy some fresh and new October Afternoon products soon. 


  1. Love the 8.5x11 size, Heather! And the layering looks awesome and great use of the OA!

  2. Your LO is beautiful! I love the layered bits of pretty papers. It's fun to switch LO sizes once in a while. I enjoy doing 8x8 for a fast and easy page.
    October Afternoon and Webster's are my two favourite paper companies so it's bound to be a good partnership.


Thanks for your comments! I really enjoy reading each and every one of them!