My Collections

Wednesday, May 7, 2014

Photoshoot #41875

Laura and I went out the other day and took some photos. Well, I took pictures of her. ;) She had on a fun new outfit and it was kinda like, "Hey-- you wanna take pictures of me?" And that usually turns out to be the best photoshoots. If she initiates them, then she will last a lot longer than if I have to coerce her to pose for me. 

We took some pictures on a road near our house, and then we remembered that there is a tunnel bridge thing that we have always wanted to take pictures at. So we hopped on our trusty scooter and went! 

First we went to our favorite place down the road. There's this cute little wooden bridge. But only a few of the photos I took I actually liked. :P

Then we went to this really COOL tunnel. There's actually train tracks on the top of the tunnel. But Laura didn't want to take pics on the train tracks. It was a good thing most of the grafitti is just scribbles. But now that said that, don't look too close... there's probably bad words on it somewhere. LOL

A little bit more serious...

I promise she's not wearing make-up. I just saturated the color! :)

And being silly--

And my FAVORITE!!! The color, her expression, the lighting, her hair (that ombre hair is all natural!)... everything! 

And then what most of the photoshoot really looks like... Laura laughing... She's so cute. :)

And then yesterday, Laura took some pics of her friend Courtney. I edited them a bit, but I love these two:

You'll probably see these photos in a mini album soon or at least on some layouts soon! :)



  1. These (and your models!) pictures are gorgeous! What lens do you use? Just curious. :)

    Also- I didn't know you had a scooter too! That makes me happy.

  2. I actually just used my kit lens! It is so much easier when you don't have to worry about the fixed lens part, or else I would have used my 50mm f/2.8 lens.

  3. I use my kit lens a lot too, and well, now it's the only one I have. (Stupid thieves!!!)

    Anyway, these photos are lovely. ;)

  4. Love these! they are like WAY awesome!! LoL next time I see you, You will have to take my pics:)

  5. Somehow I never saw this post until I got the link from your last post...
    They are so cute! And I love the little moped :)


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