My Collections

Thursday, July 3, 2014


Sorry there hasn't been a lot going on here on the blog lately. Sometimes I feel at a loss, not knowing what to share. So in the midst of silence, I'll just share a "what I'm doing right now" post. I always love reading other posts of this sort, so I hope you enjoy. ;)

Right now we are in Missouri for my grandmother's funeral, so with that being said, I will try not to make everything sad and Granny-related. 

Thinking: that it's crazy that I will be 20 this October. I'm getting old. :)
Listening: to One Direction, as always 
Creating: mostly layouts lately, with some mixed media too
Reading: new magazines for this month… Southern Living, Country Living, Real Simple
Feeling: weird that I haven't been to work in so long. Well, I worked Monday, but still. I will have been off two weeks this coming Friday if you don't count Monday. It's weird. Puny paycheck, here I come! LOL
Wishing: I could travel somewhere fun. Hopefully someday soon! 
Wondering: If I have forgotten a lot of what I learned in school. We'll find out when I start college this fall! 
Wanting: to continue on with God's plan for my life, even when I can't see where I'm going… still trying to get used to "flying by the seat of my pants" (as my mom would say) 
Eating: popsicles and slushies are my summer faves
Loving: swimming and being outside when it's sunny. And my iPhone. 
Not Loving: that things cost money. Why?! Why can't I just quit my job and travel the world? 'Cause then I'd be a bum, that's why. Haha. 

Ok so that's where I am in life right now. Tell me something about your life right now! I'd love to hear it! :)



  1. I love reading these types of posts! :)
    I am currently excited about our upcoming trip to Phoenix. We're moving my Sister there, so it will be work moving stuff, but still fun because- *traveling*!

  2. Love your shirt here...currently reading Dorothy Must Die--so far, so good. I'm definitely feeling old since it's my daughter who's turning 20 in August! And actually just enjoying the heck out of summer and the fact that I had my third article published at Books Make a Difference online.

  3. Where did you get your amazing shirt Heather? I love it! :D

    1. I actually stole it from my sister. She got it from Rue21. :)


Thanks for your comments! I really enjoy reading each and every one of them!