My Collections

Thursday, November 20, 2014

Me + Starbuck's

Hey y'all! 

I'm up on the me & my BIG ideas blog today with this fall-themed layout that documents my love/hate relationship with Starbuck's. 

I love going to Starbuck's. But there's a catch. I don't like coffee. At all. Does that even add up?! Sometimes I wonder about myself. Ha.

This all started because I received a gift card to Starbuck's for my birthday. I have frequented Starbuck's  quite a lot within the past month, and as of right this moment, my gift card has $2.04 on it. It's almost gone. BUT, in that time, I have gotten to try several different drinks. Even a Pumpkin Spice Frappuccino! And the verdict? BLEK. So gross. The PSF had way too much coffee taste, and the drinks that I have gotten that are non-coffee just don't have enough taste. I end up just eating the caramel-drizzled whipped cream. ;)

I used some awesome alphabet stickers (just the right size) from mambi. I just winged it and figured out the phrase as I went along. Which probably wasn't the best idea. But to my advantage, I did use a ruler to make sure the letters were straight. 

^^I don't know if you can see it that well, but I stamped the date with silver ink above the handwritten journaling. It connects with the silver/ gold leaves.

Anyways, you can check out my blog post over at mambi... It's a little different than my post here. ;)

So there it is. My non-love, but love, for Starbuck's. 

One more thing, I do like their caramel chai tea. My friend, Mecia, got me hooked on that. No, it's not as good as the caramel chai tea that I've had at a local coffee shop, but it's acceptable when I need a warm drink. :)


P.S. Is it easier to read blog posts when they're aligned to the left? I think it's better that center, but let me know in the comments! I really need a blog redo! 

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