My Collections

Wednesday, February 1, 2017

Wedding Wednesday: Outfits

Today's Wedding Wednesday post is all about the wedding attire! :)

First, the dress. I had sorta imagined what I wanted in a wedding dress. By no means had I decided exactly what I wanted. We didn't go dress shopping (which looking back, I wish we would have. It would have been fun.). I looked everywhere on the internet for a modest and affordable wedding gown. There's like ZERO out there of what I was wanting. Then I found this one on eBay of all places. It was gorgeous. Two problems though: #1- it was from China. Hmm... will it actually get here safely? LOL #2- there were only two photos of the dress. I liked what I saw, so I went ahead and bought it, not totally knowing what the dress would look like. BTW, it was a new dress... don't get confused by the fact that it was on eBay! lol

We had to make a few adjustments on it. The top was see through lace, so Mom filled it in with a stretchy shirt (that was actually oh-so-comfy when it was all said and done), shortened the sleeves, and actually lowered the neck. Oh-- I should add too that this was custom made to fit me. And it fit perfectly. If you know me, you know I'm obsessed with tulle skirts, so this dress was absolutely perfect. I loved it. And still do!

My wedding veil: we looked all over for a fingertip length wedding veil and couldn't find one anywhere that wasn't a) crazy expensive or b) one that looked like you dug it out of the 90's. So we made one! We bought the jeweled comb at Claire's for $14.50, so with the tulle, we spent under $20 on my veil. 

We found my bridesmaids' dresses at Dillard's. I had looked ALL over the internet for, again, MODEST and pretty bridesmaids dresses. Nada. Nothing I liked. So we went out on the hunt in physical stores. We went to SO many different stores. Also adding to the mix was that my friend Katelyn had just found out that she was pregnant and so we would needed to find a dress design that would accommodate her lil' growing belly. 

So we found a dress for Laura in the plus size section, and then realized it might be a deign that is ONLY in the plus size. Oops. So we looked and looked around and actually found the ones in the regular misses sizes! YAY! We had to order a couple of them, and mom had to hem most of them as well, but that's way easier than making the entire thing on your own! 

Oh-- and the SHOES! So I had seen photos before where the bride wore sparkly Keds and I just LOVED that idea. I debated and debated whether to buy some for our special day or not. The big hitch? Mom hated them. I think she thought that was the craziest idea ever. "Wearing tennis shoes on your wedding day???" "But they're sparkly, Mom!!" I ended up a pair of rose gold sparkly Keds with my own money (not included in the wedding budget) and I can happily say that I'm glad I did. I LOVED them. They added the perfect amount of fun to the day. 

My girls wore burgundy flats. I knew the minute that we bought the champagne dresses that I wanted red shoes to go with them. And I couldn't find what I wanted ANYWHERE. I looked and looked and looked. And then one day we were at Walmart picking up a few things, and wa-la! There were some flats the PERFECT color! And of course they were super cheap. 

My handsome man. :) We bought his suit, along with the groomsmen's outfits, at Belk. We got a super good deal on it all too. We went with just vests and slacks for the guys because it was cheaper than buying them all suit coats. Plus I love this look!!!

The guys' fun touch was their camo socks. K wasn't too sure about it, but I reassured him that it was totally ok to be wearing crazy socks on your wedding day. ;)

Caroline, our little flower girl! I had her dress custom made from a seller off Etsy, and I LOVE how it turned out! Caroline looked mighty cute in it. :) 

Little Callen's tuxedo was the CUTEST thing ever. He's 2 and a short little guy, so it looked even more adorable because of his size. :) 

Here's the whole crew! 

And one of my favorite photos! Only thing I don't like is that Brian is cut off on the right there. :/ Still love this shot though! 

If you haven't checked out the other wedding posts, you can see an overview of the wedding HERE and some details of the wedding HERE

Once again, all of these photos were taken by our awesome photographers, Katie & Alec Photography

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