My Collections

Wednesday, April 5, 2017

Love You More

I miss my home. 

My home in West Virginia.

Scrapbooking isn't the same in a hotel room.

I am way more inspired when I'm in my scrap room at home, surrounded by all the pretty paper that makes me so happy. 

I can't wait to be home. Or, actually. I just want a stable place to stay. I think I'll be happy when we start taking our camper out on jobs (which should be this next tour!! Eeeee!). 

I say all of that because when I look a this layout, all I can see is how much I struggled on this page. Sometimes I want to give up all scrapbooking because I just struggle so much nowadays to make something I like. But then I remember how much happiness pretty paper brings to me, and then I realize it's such a therapy for me. Maybe I'm typing all this out to tell myself to enjoy the process. Process, process, process. Heather, enjoy the process. 

This isn't my favorite page I've ever made, but anyways. I guess they all can't be your faves. :P

That's all for now, folks. Hopefully I'll have some fun new projects (that I like and enjoy making) to share with you soon! :)

1 comment:

  1. I love this layout, so I know it's all about perspective. When we were moving, I had limited products and it was hard. Try watching some You Tube videos while crafting. That inspires me! It generally takes me about several days (on and off) to do one layout because I struggle sI much and spend so much time moving things here and there and taking this off and putting this on, and I've learned to just enjoy it! And sometimes I'm just happy it's made and done and I actually have it to look back on. The end!


Thanks for your comments! I really enjoy reading each and every one of them!