My Collections

Monday, January 8, 2018

Haul: Studio Calico

On Saturday I got a big box of happy scrappiness from Studio Calico and I thought I'd share a peek of what was in my box!

Right after Christmas, Studio Calico had a Clearance Clear-Out sale with SUPER LOW prices. I mean, there were stamp sets and FULL scrapbook kits for $1.99 and $2.99 each. Whaaaaa??? I had some money from Christmas, so I had fun doing some shopping. ;)

Here's a photo of all of my goodies piled together. I got five 4x6 stamp sets, one 3x4 stamp set, four scrapbook kits, two documenter kits, and miscellaneous other items like cards and stickers. Total I spend $45. And that is including $10 shipping. Talk about some good deals! 

I wanted some more stamp sets that had sentiments for card-making, and I LOVE these ones I bought. Be on the look-out for these to pop up on my cards soon!

Just a few cards. I thought this one was GORGEOUS. 

I have wanted these little instax sized christmas journaling cards since they came out from A Beautiful Mess probably two years ago. And I finally got them!! I just think they're so fun and whimsical. 

Here are the little intro cards to all of the scrapbook kits I got. There are some awesome pieces in these kits. I love all of the gorgeous colors! 

Ok so that's it! Just a peek into what I'll be using in my projects soon-- I'm REALLY pleased with what I bought from the sale. I love good deals, and these were some crazy awesome ones! 

Also, just to let you know, this sale is no longer going on. Hope I didn't get your hopes up!

1 comment:

  1. Sounds like fun shopping! I totally missed this sale. Boo-hoo.


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